Project Support

Project Support for : Ph.D/M.E/M.Tech/M.Phil/B.E/B.Tech/MCA/Msc/Diploma

Department : Computer Science/ Information Technology/ Electronics


1.1 Intropedia:

This manual is intended for developers, software engineers and architects who wish to discover, learn or deepen their knowledge of JPPF and how it works. The intent is also to provide enough knowledge to not only write your own applications using JPPF, but also extend it by creating add-ons and connectors to other frameworks.

1.2 Prerequisites

JPPF works on any system that supports Java. There is no operating system requirement, it can be installed on all flavors of Unix, Linux, Windows, Mac OS, and other systems such as zOS or other mainframe systems. JPPF requires the following installed on your machine:
• Java Standard Edition version 1.5 or later, with the environment variable JAVA_HOME pointing to your Java installation root folder
• Apache Ant, version 1.7.0 or later, with the environment variable ANT_HOME pointing to the Ant installation root folder
• Entries in the default system PATH for JAVA-HOME/bin and ANT_HOME/bin.

Intended audience

1.1 Other Works:

Based on this service platform, namely Onto Frame, we are developing another advanced services, which are listed here with a link to their brief descriptions.